Malawi Next
Dedicate a bird on our Tree of Life and join us in an urgent effort to reduce newborn and child mortality over the next five years.
When you walk into the Mercy James Centre, the first thing you see is this incredible tree painted by Brazilian street artist Eduardo Kobra.
This Tree of Life has 35 varieties of birds. Each bird represents a commitment to the present and future of pediatric care.
To learn more about how to get involved, email us today at
This Pledge Commitment Letter sets forth the proposed terms and conditions of the Donation described hereunder and shall govern the relationship between the Donor and Donee (the “Parties”) until replaced by a definitive, formal agreement addressing the same transaction and subject matter (the “Definitive Agreement”). The Donation considered in this Letter and in the Definitive Agreement is subject in all respects to the following:
DONOR: Named as “Your Name” above
DONEE: Raising Malawi, a sponsored program of the Social Impact Fund.
DONATION: The Donor wishes to make an annual $50,000 contribution, for 2025 and the next 4 years (2026-29).
DONATION DESIGNATION: This donation will benefit Raising Malawi, and be used to fulfill the objectives of the Malawi Next Generation Campaign.
PAYMENT: The donation can be fulfilled by any of the below methods, with the 2025 payment due by September 1, 2025 and all subsequent years by September 1 of that calendar year.
Checks can be mailed to:
Social Impact Fund c/o Raising Malawi, 750 W. 7th St, PO Box 811026, Los Angeles, CA 90081
Bank information will be provided upon request for wires and ACH bank transfers.
ORGANIZATION TYPE: The Donee is a fiscally sponsored program of Social Impact Fund, an organization that is classified as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization by the standards of the IRS.
GOVERNING LAW: This letter shall be governed under the laws in the state of California.
ACCEPTANCE: By checking the commitment box above, you have accepted the terms of this agreement.
By fulfilling this commitment and submitting this pledge, Raising Malawi will dedicate a bird on the “Tree of Life” at the Mercy James Center in Blantyre, Malawi to the name you have indicated above. You will receive annual reports on the campaign’s progress, including the workforce trained and the lives saved as a result of your philanthropic support.